This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and share your personal data when you use our mobile application, our website, customer dashboard, or other services we make available to our customers.

The purpose of this Policy is to inform you about our privacy practices and to ensure that you understand the purposes for which we collect and process your personal data. The following is a brief summary of the manner and purposes for which we process your personal data.

Endeavour Technology Ltd. is the entity which is responsible for the control and processing of personal data that we collect from you when you use our services. If you have any questions or concerns about Endeavour Technology’s use of your personal data, please contact us at info@endeavourtechnology.com.


    1. Network performance data. If you are a user of our mobile application, when allowed access to your data, we collect data from your mobile device both when you are using our app and when it is closed.

We take repeated measurements from your device from time to time including location data (which include GPS coordinates or similar information regarding the location of your device), network type, network operator, cellular and Wifi signal strength and quality, and the identifiers of connected cell towers and Wifi routers (including both BSSID and SSID). We also measure how data is flowing, both passively (by monitoring how fast it moves through other apps), and actively (by running a test that downloads or uploads data within our SDK). We do not monitor the content of your data usage. The goal of collecting the above data is to measure the experience you have of wireless networks.

We also collect information from environmental sensors on your device (depending on which ones are integrated in your device), this allows us to measure things such as the device acceleration, orientation and the external atmospheric pressure and light intensity. We also measure some internal device conditions – such as battery temperature and voltage. The goal of collecting this data is to understand how instantaneous device conditions affect experience of mobile networks.

To better understand differences between devices, we collect data on your device hardware such as the model, manufacturer, and manufacturers and models of sub-components (such as the cellular radio) and the capabilities of these. Similarly, to understand differences caused by software, we collect information on the mobile platform version. The goal of collecting this data is to understand how device properties affect experience of mobile networks.
When you first use the nSpireMobile app a random identification code is generated by our software and allocated to your mobile device and used to identify your device whenever we take measurements. To further help us manage the data, we also collect related IP addresses, the device MAC number, the Android serial number. These fields are needed for statistical purposes, for example to understand how much data is contributed by each device.

  1. Information that you directly provide to us. If you or your employer use or register for our Services, or if you or your agent approach us in connection with job enquiries or in connection with any services you or your employer offers, or if you interact with our business in other ways, we may ask you to provide certain personal information including, but not limited to, your name, postal address, email address, telephone number, password, your username on a third-party social networking service (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.), password for use of the Services, date of birth (to ensure you are over 16 and for statistical purposes), and other data. We retain messages you send to us through the Services, and any other data you provide to us. We use this data for our business purposes related to the Service and in the operation and administration of our business, as further detailed below.
  2. Information collected or received from third parties. If you register for the Services through your account with third-party social networking services, such as Facebook, Twitter, Twitch or Google, we may receive data about you from such third parties or through a service linked to your account with such services. We may also receive information about you from third parties for example job services you may use or other intermediaries to which you may provide your personal data and that may share your information with us at your request. This information is used in the same way as the data referred to in paragraph (b) above.
  3. Analytics. We collect, measure and analyze traffic and usage trends relating to users’ use of our Services, and we use third-party analytics tools to help us do so. This allows us to understand, among other things, who is using our Services, how they use them, and ways to improve our Services. Such third-party analytics tools use cookies and persistent device identifiers to collect and store information including, but not limited to, time of visit, pages visited, time spent on each page, IP address, unique device ID, advertising tags and type of operating system used.
  4. Cookies. When you use the Services, we sometimes send one or more cookies (small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters) to your computer that uniquely identify your browser and enhance your navigation on our Services. A cookie may also convey information to us about how you use the Service (e.g., the pages you view, the links you click and other actions you take), and allow us or our third-party analytics tools we use to track your usage of the Services. There are at least two different types of cookies: persistent and session cookies. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive after you close your browser. Persistent cookies may be used by your browser on subsequent use of the Service. Persistent cookies can be removed by following your web browser’s directions for removal of cookies. A session cookie is temporary and disappears after you close your browser. You can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to notify you when a cookie is being sent. However, some features of the Service may not function properly if cookies are disabled.
  5. Log file. Log file information is automatically reported by your browser each time you access a web page. When you access or use the Services, our servers may automatically record certain log file information, including but not limited to your web request, IP address, browser type, referring/exit pages and URLs, number of clicks and how you interact with links on the Service, domain names, landing pages, and pages viewed.
  6. Device identifiers. When you access or use the Service using a mobile device, we may access, collect, monitor and/or remotely store one or more “device identifiers,” such as a universally unique identifier. Device identifiers are small data files or similar data structures stored on or associated with your device that uniquely identify your device. A device identifier may consist of data stored in connection with the device hardware, operating system or other software, or data sent to the device by us. A device identifier may convey information to us about how you browse and use the Service. A device identifier may remain persistently on your device to enhance your navigation on our Services. Some features of our Services may not function properly if use or availability of device identifiers is impaired or disabled.
  7. Commercial communications. Insofar as permitted under applicable law, we may use the information we collect or receive to communicate directly with you in relation to the Services or related services we offer. Subject, where necessary, to obtaining your consent to receiving such communications, we may use the information to communicate with you in relation to other services that we and our affiliates offer. For example, we may use the information to send you emails containing newsletters, promotions and special offers. We may also use the information to send you service-related notices (e.g., account verification, technical and security notices).
  8. Use of certain service-type information. We may use information from cookies, log files, device identifiers, location data, and other tools to: (i) remember information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you use the Service; (ii) provide custom, personalized content or information to you or others; (iii) monitor the use of the Service; (iv) monitor aggregate metrics, such as total number of visitors, traffic and demographic patterns; (v) diagnose or fix technology problems; (vi) provide advertising to your browser or device; and (vii) conduct research or surveys.
  9. Use of information with Your Consent. We may use your personal data for any other purpose for which you specifically provide us with your consent.


The purposes for which we collect and store your personal data are the following:

  1. Measurements that we take from the mobile devices of individual network users allow us to create a detailed picture of the service availability, quality and performance of numerous communication networks across the world and over time. We publish some of the statistical data that we generate and we provide it to our customers (such as network operators) to help them understand their own network’s service coverage, performance and signal quality (and those of their competitors). Although the end-product we produce is made up of aggregated anonymized data, the underlying ‘raw data’ which contains personal data of individual users is important for us and our customers for generating statistical data, validating the results, quality control and further analysis;
  2. Personal data that we receive from you enables us to deliver our Services to you and enables you to use them efficiently;
  3. Insofar as permitted under applicable law, we use your data to communicate with you in relation to our Services;
  4. We use data to personalize, test, monitor, improve and upgrade our Services, to meet our legal obligations and the regulatory requirements to which we may be subject, for loss prevention purposes and to protect and enforce our rights and meet our obligations to third parties, and for our internal business purposes, such as compiling and analyzing usage information for general operational, statistical and business purposes;
  5. We use personal data in the general operation and administration of our business including in recruitment of staff, engaging service providers to provide services to our business, in providing services to our customers and for marketing purposes.


It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. If you provided us with any details of personal data, please keep us informed if such details change.


We rely on the following lawful basis for the processing of your personal data:

  1. Our legitimate interests in (among other things) delivering the Services, operating and administrating our business, complying with accounting, or reporting requirements, conducting commercial research, improving and maintaining the Services, personalizing and tailoring content made available to you through the Service, protecting the security or integrity of our databases, protecting our business or reputation, taking precautions against legal liability, dealing with our assets in the event of a business change (see further below), protecting and defending our legal rights or property, or for resolving disputes, investigating and attending to inquiries or complaints with respect to your use of the Services
  2. Where relevant, your express consent. If you give your consent for accessing your device data to take measurements, you can withdraw it through the nSpireMobile application detail screen on the device
  3. Where relevant, the fulfilment of our contractual obligations to you under our terms and conditions of service
  4. Where relevant, for compliance with legal obligations to which we are subject.


  1. Joint and Independent Controllers. We share some of the raw measurements that we collect from users’ mobile devices with some of our customers under the terms of data license agreements and data sharing agreements. Some of the data we share with our customers contains personal data such as datasets containing location data of individual users. Our customers are permitted to use the data for the purpose of analyzing it and generating aggregated data relating to the performance of their networks or telecommunications equipment (and competing networks or equipment) and to use aggregated data in their sales activities. Our customers are not permitted to use your personal data to communicate with you or to influence you or to profile or track individual users. They are required to keep your personal data confidential and to use appropriate means to protect it. Our customers have access to data such as location data of users to enable them to analyze the data and create statistical information based on the aggregation of data from numerous users. Our customers that receive such data from us are not permitted to disclose any datasets that contain personal data relating to specific individuals to their own customers or any third parties.
  2. Service Providers. We may share datasets containing your personal data with third-party service providers that perform services on our behalf in connection with our Services, such as cloud service providers that we may use, or third-party analytical service providers. Where your information is shared with such third parties, we ensure that the third-party service provider will deal with your information only on our behalf and on our written instructions and solely for our benefit (and not for its own benefit).
  3. Business Change. If we become involved in a merger, consolidation, acquisition, sale of assets, joint venture, securities offering, bankruptcy, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution or other transaction, or if the ownership of all or substantially all of our business otherwise changes, we may share or transfer databases containing personal data of users to successor party or parties in connection with such transaction or change in ownership or legal structure.
  4. Necessary Disclosure. Regardless of the choices you make regarding your information and to the extent permitted or required by applicable law, we may disclose information about you to third parties to: (i) enforce or apply the terms and conditions of our Services; (ii) comply with laws, subpoenas, warrants, court orders, legal processes or requests of government or law enforcement officials; (iii) protect our rights, reputation, safety or property, or that of our users or others; (iv) protect against legal liability; (v) establish or exercise our rights to defend against legal claims; or (vi) investigate, prevent or take action regarding known or suspected illegal activities; fraud; our rights, reputation, safety or property, or those of our users or others; violation of the Terms of Use, our policies or agreements; or as otherwise required by law.


We take certain measures to protect personal data collected through the Service against loss, theft, and unauthorized access, use, disclosure, destruction or modification. These include physical, technological and administrative measures.


We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

Personal data (such as user’s location data or the user’s unique identifier which is created on first use of the nSpireMobile app) contained in the sets of measurements of mobile network signal performance is held for an unlimited period of time as it is required for the production of statistical data over different periods of time and to compare performance data between different time periods.

Insofar as the data is collected to enable us to recognize you as a user of the Services and to improve the Services provided to you, we will dispose of the data within a reasonable time after you cease to be a registered user of the Services.


We operate the Services from Ireland. Our data collection activities take place in the countries where personal data is collected from users of the Services. We store and process data (including personal data) through third-party cloud service providers and other IT service providers which may be located or which may operate in other countries, including countries which do not guarantee the same level of protection to privacy as Ireland. We store personal data records predominantly through third-party cloud service providers on servers located in the United States of America. Data that we collect from users of our Services outside the EU is predominantly stored in the USA. Some of our customers to which we license data (see section 6(a) above) also receive personal data from us for processing in countries outside the EU. Some of the data provided to customers is collected outside the EU and stored outside the EU. Other data is collected in the EU before we send it for storage outside the EU. When transferring personal data records from Ireland to a country outside the EU which does not provide an adequate level of protection to privacy rights, for example when we use cloud computing services in the USA to store data we collect in Ireland, we put in place appropriate safeguards including data transfer agreements on the terms approved by the EU Commission.


The Service is not directed to children and is intended for use by adults only. We do not knowingly collect personal data from individuals under 16 years of age. If you are under the age of 16, please do not submit any information through the Service and do not provide your consent for the use of your data unless your parent or guardian has approved.


The Service may reference or provide links to other websites, applications, or resources. If you access any website, application, or resources provided by a third party, our Privacy Policy will not apply. Your interactions with such websites, applications, and resources are subject to the privacy policies of the third parties that operate them. Please review those policies carefully to understand how those parties will treat your information.


Data subjects have the following legal rights in respect of their personal data that we process:

    1. The right to require Endeavour Technology to confirm whether or not their information is being processed, the purpose of any such processing, the recipients of any information that has been disclosed, the period for which their information is to be stored and whether any automated decision-making processes are used in relation to their information;
    2. The right to require access to the personal data and to require Endeavour Technology to rectify inaccurate information without undue delay.
      Where Endeavour Technology has relied on the ‘consent’ basis for processing that information (see paragraph 5(a) above), the right to withdraw their consent at any time. This right to withdraw consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
      The right to request the erasure of their information. You can make a request for erasure where:
      1. the information is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which it was collected;
      2. where the processing of the information is based on the data subject’s consent (and the other circumstances described in the ‘Legal Basis for Processing Your Data’ and ‘How We Share Your Information’ sections above no longer apply), if the data subject withdraws his or her consent; or
      3. where the personal data is processed by Endeavour Technology solely on the basis of our ‘legitimate interest’ referred to in paragraph 5(a) (and the other legal basis set out in paragraph 8 do not apply), if the data subject objects to the processing of his or her personal data and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing (such as, for example, where the processing of the data is required to meet statutory obligations or for the defense of legal claims).

Where Endeavour Technology has disclosed the information of a data subject to a third party and the data subject requests the erasure or rectification of the data, Endeavour Technology will take all reasonable steps to inform the third party of such request;

  1. The right to require Endeavour Technology to restrict its processing of a data subject’s personal data in certain circumstances, such as where the accuracy of that data is disputed or an objection has been raised. In such circumstances, Endeavour Technology will only process that information with the express consent of the data subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest;
  2. Where data is processed based on data subject’s consent or to fulfil a contractual obligation, the data subject has the right to receive his or her personal data from Endeavour Technology in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;
  3. The right to object to the processing of personal data where:
    1. Endeavour Technology relies solely on the ‘legitimate interest’ basis for processing that data, in which case we will be legally required to stop processing the data subject’s information unless we have compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the data subject’s privacy rights and interests; or
    2. the information is used for direct marketing purposes, in which case we will immediately stop processing the data subject’s information for such purposes;
  4. Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office or in some cases with the data protection supervisory authority of the EU member state where the data subject resides.

The above legal rights are subject to various conditions and exceptions including where the data is used for statistical or scientific research purposes and the exercise of the right would prevent such purposes from being attained or would seriously impair their attainment.


We may share aggregated, anonymized/deidentified data relating to users of our Services with affiliated or unaffiliated third parties.


We may update this Policy from time to time, and the updated version of this Policy will be effective upon posting on the Endeavour Technology Services. We will provide notice to you if these changes are material and, where required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent. Please check this page to review the most up-to-date version of this Policy.

[latest update: 25th June, 2024]


If you want to exercise your rights under paragraph 12 of our privacy policy, please email info@endeavourtechnology.com with “Data Request” in the subject line.